
My Blogs

In this post I want share about my blogs, maybe some one have suggestion for me? I just think about my blogs, how can I get the high rank? up's not high, only have a rank I think enough, my first blog I have been written from last year, I ever have pr1 but only a few month, after that down to 0 until now, maybe my blog is not good enough. My second blog it's better I think, I get pr2 and I have my third blog, I wrote in Indonesia language, only have a few post.
Actually I'm learning earn money from that, I have seen my close friend, she got a lot of money from her blogs, I have follow her but what have I got was not like what have I expect. However, I don't want feel up set or sad, I think I still can earn money from my job.
Now I am still thinking have I done well for my blog?

6 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

saran (haalllaaaaaah aku ni juga newbie banget) :
lha belajar dari blog yang dapat pr2 itu dong.
sering blogwalking kasi shout ato komen.
ga perlu nulis ngajak orang di shout ato di comment.
tulis aja :
selamat weekend
yah... yang sejenis gitu d.

karena aku paling ga suka kalo ada shout :
visit my blog
visit me

yang aku suka :
visit u
i was here
ngeronda (kalo blogger kelelawar)
(yang menandakan telah datang berkunjung)

kalo mo ngenalin blog, ikut aja group di blogcatalog (kan dah banyak ikut tuh)
sering-sering kasih comment
diharapkan yang nngebaca berkunjung ke blog.
terus ngeklik iklan
terus dapet duit hehehehehe

di blog ini gada iklan ya
yaaaa ga dapet duit dong

maaf kalo sarannya salah
newbie sehh

Anonim mengatakan...

ayo semangat

Anonim mengatakan...

ı can say something about this.

first of all,do not give too much ongoing links from your blogs to others..

make some comment to blog post whish have some pagerank..

add alexa toolbar to your browser and follow webmaster forums..


Anonim mengatakan...

caranya gimana yah??? :D Punyaku sendiri pernah berstatus unranked utk beberapa bulan...baru kemudian langsung jadi pr1 gara2 aku hapus banner yang dari cj kali...au ah..yang penting nulis ajah...bodo ama pr..:D

Anonim mengatakan...

Same thing here.
Not getting the money. :P
But its fun to blog :D
So won't give up even if I have to blog without any money :)

seputar ebook mengatakan...



Page Ranking...... meee...

for a 3..........thats enough for me....

nice blog....dear.

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